Message from the Team =O

Look at this message i recieved from the team while on!!
Comment your thoughts!
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Full Version of Artisteer

Well.. Who Wants the full version of Artisteer?
If you do not know what Artisteer is,

Artisteer is the first and only Web design automation product that instantly creates fantastic looking, unique website templates and blog themes.

I use it, too, to make my blog templates. The template which you right now see on this blog is made with Artisteer!!!
So how can you get the full version of Artisteer? Well... here are the steps!
First Step
[This step doesn't apply to those who already have the trial version of Artisteer installed.]
Download and install the trial version of Artisteer. You can download by clicking on the following links.

Second Step
Open up Artisteer.
Third Step
Click on the color palette button in the top left.
Fourth Step
Select Activation from the drop down menu.
Fifth Step
A dialog box will open. Copy the Installation Code from the dialog box.
Sixth Step
Send the installation code in an email to

Updated :)
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Happy Birthday HIKIKOMORI

This ones a short post..

Wishing HIKI a very HAPPY 800TH BIRTHDAY... Have a superb day :)

Also, watch this video!! Its just a short promo.. IIl upload the full cmv next week.
Have Fun :)

Updated - I made this for HIKI :)
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Style Party Vid

Hello! Remember the style party? ;)
Well, I recorded it so....

Cow Mission Fun!

Hey Chobots! Yesterday we had a cow mission party ;)

Click them for better quality :)
UPDATE : Don't forget about NEW AUTHORS

Looking for Authors!

Lately, Ive not had much time to post. SO I'm looking out for an author. I've already got one, just need another. If your interested to be an author, just post

Your Chobot Name
Your Chobot Age
Your Chobot Blog
Your Email - Id (do not worry.. comments will be hidden)

yeah dats all..
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Will the World End?

I apologise and I'm extremely sorry for not posting on my blog, in the past few days. I was just feeling too lazy to make one.
Moving on, I'm hearing a lot of "The world is gonna end tomorrow" stuff. I can't say whether this prediction is true or not but it is scary... If you've been bad, there still time to repent your sinful ways. And yeah, theres still time to party too.
So, do you think the world will end tomorrow?
Have fun on chobots and be good coz its your last day if....
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Art by Boy11

Boy11 made an awesome drawing in the underground.. Check it out below!
It's awesome!
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Free Citizenship!

Theres super good news! The chobots Team has given 3 days of free citizenship to everyone on Chobots =) WOW thats soo kind..
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Chobots is Down Again!

Yh its true.. Chobots is down again! When you try to login, it's just a blue screen.
This is happening so often.. Chobots is full of bugs!!
Updated - Chobots is back to normal!.. Oh Well its down again .. Chobots is back
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Free Citizenship Days!

Hello Friends,
Well theres some good news for Citizens!
All citizens who lost some days of their membership due to servers being down, will get 3 days of citizenship added to their account on the 9th of May, Monday!
Im sure citizens will appreciate this!
Well. ..This is the last month of school for me... . Waiting for holidays =)
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New Agents!

The Agent Poll has ended!!
New Agents - Iepure64, Yourbestfreind, Kaicooper, Boy11, Cheweh

Hiki agented Yourbestfriend instead of YourbestfrIEnd... feel sorry for him..
And lol.. im just wondering.. from where did Iepure64 even come??? Maybe hes famous in which gave him an advatange... but thats totally unfair.. i never even heard of him on .com bfore the poll!!
And Cheweh??? How did he bcum an agent? He was already given a chance !! 
And what abt hiki's post abt deagented agents..hmm
There's lotsa questions to be answered by the Cho-Team..
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New Citizenship Items!

Here are the new Citizenship Items for the month of May!
LOL... Umbrella is spelt wrongly!
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