New Park!

Hello Friends,
The Park has got a new design. Check it out!

There's some new trees around, also some pumpkins =O 
Thx to the designers :)

- Peach10

Autumn Coloring Page!

Hello Friends,
Jessie2000 has made an Awesome Autumn Coloring Page! Have a look!

Click on the image above, right click and save it. 
Colour it and then post working links to your finished coloring page here.
Winners will receive a paintbrush or something else if you already have it!

P.S. Newy is on vacation. So he won't be posting for around 3 weeks.

- Peach10

Garbage Collector Contest Results!

Hello Friends,
The Garbage Collector Contest has ended. Let's have a look at the results!

Weibin and Missperfcet2010 get 2 weeks of free citizenship!
Jbin gets a week of free citizenship!
Purchase gets 5 days of free citizenship!
Well done Chos and Congratz =)

- Peach10

Monday Updates!

Hello Friends,
New Items in the Shop have arrived!
The clothes are awesome.
Have fun on Chobots:)

Chobots Olympics Video Contest Results!

Hello Chos,
Thank You to everyone who participated in this video contest. Here are the results!

Well done, Yellowbell! You win a video camera!

Blik3 wins a bronze medal.

Armycho - You win 2 points!
34sr - You win 2 points!
To check the points table, go to
Isn't it too much of a coincidence that the chobots who won points this time are the same ones who won points in the last video contest.

Due to high request, a new Music Video Contest is being started. Make a music video with any song you like. It must be a NEW Music Video. You have time till the  10th of October!

Double Birthday Party Pictures!

The Birthday Party for Hiki and Sap ended just a short while ago! It was a short but awesome party! Also, the mods rained beta cone hats =) Heres a slideshow of party pics!

Have fun on Chobots =)

Double Birthday Party!

Hello Chobots,
Hikikomori is 555 and Sapfira is 400 today =D Two b-days on one day! And so to celebrate there will be a party!
Party starts really soon at 12 Chobots Time in Server Chocolate at the Park! Party Pics will be posted after the party ends!
See you!

Garbage Collector Contest!

Hello Chobots!
Garbage Collector Contest has been started!
The contest ends on the 26th of September! Winners will be awarded citizenship!
Good Luck :)


Hello Friends,
Time to visit the academy!
Choproff is back!
Have fun answering quizzes and winning bugs :)

Elephant Research Contest Results!

Hello Friends,
Happy Elephant Appreciation Day to all of you :)
Here are the winners of the Elephant Research Contest!





Well done! 
You all win a week of free citizenship and an elephant mask :)
Have Fun!

Peace Day Comic Contest Results!

Hello Nichos and Chobots!
Here are the winners of the Comic Contest!

Well done! You all get one week of free citizenship!

Cow Mission Contest Results!

Hello Friends,
The Cow Mission Contest has ended. Below are the results!

Stellerboy124 gets 2 weeks of citizenship.
Weibin gets 1 week of citizenship.
Jbin and Bido10 get 5 days of citizenship.

Congratz :)

Hiding Fun!

Hey Friends,
Do you all remember Hider? Well, he's back!
He is a chobot that hides at random places around Chobots city and we need to find him, and once we find him, we need to PC him saying 'Found you Hider' and then we win a prize =)
The message that he is hiding will be displayed on a spaceship in cafe street anytime during the day/night. So be alert!
Also, we will be putting a tracker of Hider on the right sidebar just incase you would want to know is he's online or not.

Chobots Olympics Video Contest

Hey Chobots,
A new Video Competition has been started. You have to make a video on the theme 'Chobots at the Olympics'.
Prizes will be awarded for the Best 3 Videos. Runners-up will be awarded points. 
You have 1 week to complete your vidoes. (26th of September)
Have fun :)

Peace Day Comic Contest!

Hello Chos,
21 of September, all over the world, is celebrated as International Peace Day. 

Hiki thought about the enmity between Nichos and Chobots and so make a comic on how they can become friends =)
You can find the template to be used for your comic HERE.
Winners will be posted on the 21 of September!

New Clothes!

Hello Friends,
New Clothes have been added to the catalogs in the Shop. Check out these new clothes!



The new clothes are supa-awesome =D Hope all of you like them!

Underground Party!

Hello Chos,
I'm sure everyone missed the underground parties with awesome graffiti. So we will be having an Underground Party =D Look below for details!

Day - Saturday
Date - 19th September
Time - 21:00 Chobots Time
Place - Agents Underground

New Contest!

Hello Chobots,
A new Cow Mission Contest has been started!

Contest ends on the 20 of September. Winners will be awarded citizenship!
Good Luck =)

Amazing Video by Guguzi!

Hello Friends,
I am sure everyone wonders how some chobots make such awesome arts. Here's a video, made by an awesome cho-artist Guguzi, in which you can see her making an awesome artpiece!

Awesome Art and Video =)

Well done Guguzi!

Elephant Appreciation Day!

Hello Friends,
The month of September sees Elephant Appreciation Day (September 22), so a new contest has been started on the official blog. You have to make a research on elephants.

You can find the template for your research here.
Do not use images or text from the internet. 
Your own drawings and words would me more appreciated!
Also do not forget to write your name on your research.
Comment working links to your researches here.
Winners will be announced next week.

Chistochob is back!

Hello Friends,
Time to clean up our cities.
Our friend, Chistochob is back!
You can find him at the Space Quay.
Have fun playing =)

Teddy Bear Comic Contest Results!

Hello Friends,
The Teddy Bear Comic Contest has ended. The winning comics are...




You get a week of free citizenship and a comic item!

Welll donne!

New Moderators - William & Royaltapdancer!

Hello Chos,
We have a new moderator in Chobots - William. Check out his playercard!!!!

- Peach10!

Updated by Newy82!
We also have another new moderator - Royaltapdancer!

Congratz =)